mercoledì 26 ottobre 2016

Pottermore test patronus

Pottermore test patronus

Pottermore is extremely proud to reveal the new Patronus experience. The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. I Patronus hanno la forma di un animale: quale vorresti vedere apparire dalla tua bacchetta magica? Quale sarebbe il tuo Patronus ? Traduzione delle possibili opzioni di scelta nel test per il Patronus di Pottermore.

Pottermore test patronus

Il giorno è finalmente arrivato: dopo lo Smistamento in una delle case di Hogwarts, la scelta della bacchetta, lo smistamento in Ilvermorny, . Patronuses are animal representations of our happiest thoughts. They are meant to protect us, among other things. What do you think your true Patronus would . We all wanted to know our Patronus ever since we were children. The following quiz is a test designed in such a way that it will help you in . Nessuna informazione disponibile per questa pagina. El patronus es un hechizo utilizado para repeler dementores y Lethifolds.

Que patronus ni que niño muerto, eres capaz de acabar con esa manta remendada a puñetazos si. Me gusta más el cuervo que me salió en pottermore. Fans have tried to guess what corporeal form their Patronus —a defensive charm that protects you . After a day of mysterious marketing from J. Potter marketing machine produced something new: a Patronus quiz. A Patronus takes the form of an animal that reflects the spell caster. I took the test three more times, getting increasingly frustrated with each result.

Pottermore test patronus

Rowling tweeted about the new Patronus test , sharing that when she . Il est temps de préparer ta . How many of you Harry Potter fans wonder what your patronus animal would be? Living in a muggle world it is difficult to tell, until now! This quiz will quickly . The reactions to this test are so intense.

Patronus Quiz PottermorePatronus TestPatronus MeaningHarry Potter WorldHarry Potter . What will protect you from the Dementors? Patronus , the silvery-white guardian conjured by the most difficult . Much like being officially sorted into your Hogwarts house, . Un groupe de fans rassemblés sur Reddit sont parvenus à déchiffrer le fonctionnement du test du Patronus de Pottermore. Herzlich willkommen zum ultimativen Patronus Test ! In keinem anderen Test wirst du so eine große Auswahl an Patroni finden, denn ich will .

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