Interfaccia utente Dettatura in Word. Attendere che il punto rosso venga visualizzato sul pulsante Dettatura e un suono rapido per comunicare che la dettatura è . Hands free typing in Outlook, Word , and PowerPoint. Use dictation to convert spoken words into text anywhere on your PC with Windows 10. Dictation uses speech recognition, which is built into . Maybe you prefer to dictate your words as they occur to you, or you require a feature with more accessibility than the typical keyboard can . It stores the converted text in your browser locally and no data is uploaded . Voice recognition is a computer program that decodes the human voice.
It takes the spoken word as input and translates into text. Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus related words , definitions, and antonyms. Dictate helps you save time or overcome. Find another word for dictate.
He disagrees with the government dictating what . Passa a Word Parts. Come dettare su Word. Recentemente, sei stato vittima di un brutto incidente domestico: per fortuna non hai riscontrato danni permanenti . For example, you might dictate the words Yes, you can borrow my car any time and then change your mind. Say Scratch That to delete the last thing you said.
Dictating definition, to say or read (something) aloud for another person to transcribe or for a machine to record: to dictate. OTHER WORDS FROM dictate. The Windows speech recognition feature can be used to dictate and edit documents.
Correct followed by a word : corrects a specific word in your document. This lesson lays out the fundamental dictation skills you need to know when speaking to Microsoft Word to get the most accurate. If you see an old movie with a man in a suit telling his . Did you know that you can dictate text to Word and PowerPoint, rather than type it ? I was never a fan of dictation features until having a baby a . But before we delve into the best voice-to-text or dictation software for. WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.

Forum discussions with the word (s) dictate in the title: Can natural . Synonyms for dictate at Thesaurus. RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR DICTATE. Dragon Medical installs a compatibility module (dgnword.dll) for use with Microsoft Word. The secretary took dictation from her boss.
The Windows operating system is capable of recognizing speech, and Microsoft has offered dictation capabilities for Word through an add-on . Tips and help for Word , Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook from Microsoft Office experts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Meaning: to practice dictation , say aloud for another to write down, from Latin dictatus, past participle of dictare say often,… See more definitions.

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